For LTM(Lord's Table Meeting)
- No.1 Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling (#324)
- No.2 Dear Lord, we thank Thee for this bread (#222)
- No.3 O Lord, Thou art the Son of man (#61)
- No.4 Thou art the Sun of righteousness (#200)
- For Gospel
- The Story of Faith
- If I gained the world, but lost the Savior (#700)
- God has called us for His purpose
- Coming to the Lord (#1050)
- Hymns(CD)
- Integration
- Lyrics PDF
- No.1 We have oil in our lamps(#1308)
- No.2 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus (#568)
- No.3 From the moment I first met Thee
- No.4 O God, Thou art the source of life (#12)
- No.5 My King will soon come back again (#960)
- No.6 Outreach of the glorious gospel (#925)
- No.7 And can it be that I should gain (#296)
- No.8 Jesus Lord, truly I love Thee
- No.9 Fulness of the Spirit - The Baptism (#274)
- No.10 Go to collect materials for the House (#923)
- No.11 A Noble Deed
- No.12 No mortal tongue can e'er describe (#473)
- No.13 Pray to fellowship with Jesus (#784)