神戸に在る教会 心配ウィルスVS平安な神 love letter from god:bible 御言葉ヨハネ


 In his first birth, man obtains a physical life.
 When man receives God’s life through Christ, he experiences a second birth, which the Bible calls regeneration.

 “God...has regenerated us...through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from among the dead.”1 Peter 1:3

 Jesus said, “Unless a man is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”John 3:3

 A pig cannot participate in the sheep’s kingdom and live a sheep’s life by education, improvement, or regulation; it must possess the life of a sheep.。
 Similarly, man cannot participate in God’s kingdom and live a divine life by education, improvement, or regulation; he must receive the life of God!